Silver, silver alloys

GSO 8660-2005


Registry number: GSO 8660-2005

Name: CRM of: jewellery silver alloys

Code of the CRM: Ag960 (set)

CRM form: disk, chips

Expire date, year: 2035


Code of CRM unit

Element – certified value, mass fraction, %


Fe 0.00027; Pb 0.0002; P 0.0005


Bi 0.0048; Fe 0.00109. Au 0.00053; Pb 0.00071; Sb 0.00095; P 0.0018; Zn 0.00056


Bi 0.0098; Au 0.00104; Pt 0.00029; Pb 0.0024; Sb 0.103; P 0.0071


Bi 0.00094; Fe 0.0300; Au 0.0133; Cd 0.0096; Pd 0.0099; Pt 0.0073; Pb 0.0085; Sb 0.0048; Zn 0.0077


Fe 0.0780; Au 0.0024; Cd 0.0193; Pd 0.0023; Pt 0.0012; Pb 0.00042; Zn 0.0132


Fe 0.0039; Au 0.00045; Cd 0.0043; Pd 0.0014; Pt 0.0049; Pb 0.0138; Zn 0.0025


Bi 0.00051; Fe 0.1930; Au 0.0071; Cd 0.0020; Pd 0.0047; Pt 0.0015; Zn 0.0304

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